Kaspersky putin
Kaspersky putin

kaspersky putin

(The staffer broke the rules by taking the files home, but he or she is not suspected of espionage.) 5, The Wall Street Journal, citing unnamed current and former government officials, reported that in 2015, Kaspersky antivirus software running on the home computer of an unnamed NSA staffer spotted NSA files that the staffer had brought home and put on his or her machine. Pike, founder and director of, a national-security think tank, said Kaspersky antivirus software was "probably" safe to use, but he added that "such products have too much spaghetti code for anyone to have confidence that they understand all that is going on under the hood." Strong, but unproven, accusations "Kaspersky might be being singled out … because the company is Russian, and that doesn't sit too well in the current geopolitical climate." "I haven't seen anything which makes me think that it's any more dangerous to run Kaspersky than any other major antivirus product," Graham Cluley, an independent security blogger and former staffer at the antivirus maker Sophos, told us.

kaspersky putin

Graham Cluley, independent security consultant "I haven't seen anything which makes me think that it's any more dangerous to run Kaspersky than any other major antivirus product."

kaspersky putin

But they added that we've got just as much to fear from Chinese vendors - and that most modern antivirus software, not just Kaspersky's, could be abused to become an espionage tool. Other security experts we spoke to weren't ready to condemn the company without seeing the evidence. "There is no plausible innocent explanation for the information that has been presented." "My firm is recommending our customers, who largely are financial companies, uninstall Kaspersky AV," said Dave Aitel, a former NSA staffer and the founder, owner and chief technology officer of Immunity Inc., an information-security consultancy. One said he was telling everyone to remove it. Most of our respondents agreed that people who work in government or critical-infrastructure industries should not use Kaspersky software.

Kaspersky putin