So there’s no more arguing with your friends about which effects and abilities would happen first. The rules and interactions are already programmed into the game, so they happen automatically. Or maybe you’ve spent time scratching your head trying to interpret a specific rule. If you’ve played a lot of Magic before, you’ve probably had games where turns were drawn out by trying to figure out how specific cards interact with each other.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise, then, that the massively played Magic: the Gathering would have its own online game. Virtual versions of just about anything exist nowadays. How to decide whether or not you should try it.The potential drawbacks or areas of improvement in the game.

If you’re a fan of Magic, you might be wondering: why play MTG Arena? Is it worth it? With a massively expanding online world, it’s no surprise that MTG would make its own mark in online gaming with its MTG Arena. We even have an article discussing the reasons for its popularity here. Over the course of its almost 30 years of existence, millions of people have played and continue to play today. There’s no doubt about it: Magic: the Gathering is an immensely popular game.